Smart Home Install Sydney

Installation of smart home products in Sydney

Our installer network has been busy. This week in Sydney one of our installers had the job of integrating one of our clients old Fujitsu ducted air conditioning systems with their Fibaro Z-wave Controllers. 

For this job the client had this hardware recommended by us:

1x Coolinkhub 

1 x CoolPlug 

2 x Goap dry contact switch 

Once completed the customer was able to control his system by the Fibaro Home Center 2 System. Creating associations to automate the A/C system thus saving them money on energy consumption and maximizing the comfort when they are home. 

Using this System you don't require a Z-wave enabled system, CoolAutomation to have their own app that you can download and use to bring your old Air con System into the 21st century.

To find out what the best automation solution for your cooling system you can refer to our blog post. If you would like one of our Smart Home experts to come and find the best solution for you please choose your state on the home page and contact your local installer.



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