Good question, to which there is no simple smart answer! It would be simpler to answer the question 'What does the ultimate smart home look like?' To which the answer would go down the lines of a home where you have one point of control that is available in the same format on your phone, tablet, TV, wall station, computer and remote, allowing you to at the touch of a button control nearly every aspect of your home due to integrated programming. Indeed a lot of actions will take place automatically because you will have requested for them to be programmed as such, with all this integration having one ultimate goal and that being to reduce your stress and increase your overall enjoyment of your home, for if it doesn't achieve this then there is nothing smart about it at all!
However homes that are scaled down versions of 'the ultimate' due to budget restrictions, where the systems may exist but with their own independent control from individual apps are still smart and can be enjoyed as such. Designed in such a way that they can involve as and when the client chooses to.