Smart Home Technology and IoT for the Elderly

Smart Home Technology and IoT for the Elderly

Latest smart home technology to support independence

Latest advances in smart home technology make independent living safer

Caring for a loved one who is going through the natural aging process of life can be extremely rewarding. However, it can also be very hard to balance your loved ones need for independence and the things they need to live alone comfortably and safely.

It can also be challenging and overwhelming for those living alone to keep up with important maintenance items around the home and keep an open line of communication with family, friends, and doctors.

Innovations in medicine and health are both helping people live longer lives, and now technology is stepping in to help people enjoy living in their own homes for much longer as well. With the latest advancements in smart home technology, you can help older family members to achieve a comfortable, independent, and safe life in their own homes.


Smart home device control and alerts

Recent tech innovations have made it possible to control, monitor, and receive alerts from smart devices enabled in a home. Through an app on your smartphone or tablet, you can remotely control heating and cooling systems, appliances, and home security systems.

This capability is especially helpful for those who want to give their elderly loved ones the independence of living in their own home, while still having control over things that could be hard for them to manage or maintain all alone. For example, you can monitor energy efficiency, receive alerts from smoke alarms, and get peace of mind through access to a home security system as well.
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Real-time health monitoring sensors and alerts

Another innovative move in smart home technology that helps provide independence and safety at home is real-time health monitoring.

This type of health monitoring works through a sensor worn on the body or attached to clothing to track blood pressure, temperature, heart rate, and other health factors that need to be consistently monitored for health reasons.

The system can be programmed to send alerts to you or medical professionals if any health factors reach dangerous levels or in case of an emergency. This technology helps to ensure that medical needs are prioritized, and the person concerned will receive emergency care as quickly as possible in the event that a health issue occurs while they are alone.

Our Health Safety Watch is a great solution with these features

Voice-activated devices

Many smart devices are now voice activated and can be integrated with the home to make controlling things around the house and keeping lines of communication open a very simple process.

Voice commands can be customized so that your loved one can control lights in the home or make phone calls by speaking commands. Voice activation is a great way to give those living alone control over many aspects of their home and life simply by using their voice.

These smart home features all help to enable independent living by making the home much easier to navigate and life easier to enjoy.

They can also give peace of mind to family and friends – who often live at a distance – knowing that loved ones are safe as they enjoy life at home.

We also have Home Automation Packages which can make home life easier

Internet of Things (IoT) has enabled the smart home

Connected devices are at the heart of smart home technology, and are increasingly being used to support independent living.

This winter has highlighted the increasing pressures on GP services, as fewer doctors are attracted to working in this area at the same time as demand increases, due to the aging population and increase in people living with long-term health conditions.

Telehealth technology – using internet-connected in-home monitoring – could relieve some of the pressure on GP services, and help them to prioritize their time more effectively.


Majority of adults would be willing to monitor basic vitals at home

More than 90 percent of us would be ready to monitor basic health indicators, such as blood pressure, heart-rate and weight at home, which could be achieved via Internet of Things (IoT) enabled devices.

Though perhaps not surprisingly, monitoring things that sound a bit more complicated, insulin levels, for example, or mental well-being, did not appeal to so many people, just 44 percent and 29 percent, respectively.

Almost three quarters of us consider that the presence of monitoring technology in an elderly relative’s home would provide greater peace of mind, and allow the relative to live independently for longer.

In the Netherlands, a new whole house sensor system is to be installed in the homes of 3000 older people, to support their independence. Based on tech company Qorvo’s Internet of Things chipsets, the sensors will detect falls and monitor the environment for any adverse changes.

The hope is that this will mean people can continue to live safely alone, without the need for so many care visits.


Are you interested in finding out more about the Smart Home benefit for yourself or a loved one? Come see us in Sydney Olympic Park where we will be demonstrating our products and showing the solutions we can provide.


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