How to use the Broadlink Rm Pro to Control your Smart Home RF Switches
Firstly you must download the IHC App from Google Play or App Store. Click the top right + and add the Broadlink universal remote by following the instructions. Once you have it added you will see the universal remote like shown below. Next Click on the universal remote.
Once inside the universal remote, Go to the bottom and click add device
Then Select Lamp
If you already have a remote control you can click the bottom selecting learn my remote codes right away and follow the prompts to learn the RF codes into the Broadlink. Each button has a different code so you can use the 1 button for 1 switch the 2 for another and 3 for another or use the same button if you wish to group them.
If you do not have a Remote you can select user library at the top.
Search for Oz Smart Switch and you will find codes to use. You only need one code per switch. The ON code is the same as the OFF code.
Once you have set up the codes in the Broadlink, go to your switch and hold the button you wish to program for 5 seconds until the light begins to flash. As soon as it starts flashing trigger the on button that you programmed in the IHC app wait 3 seconds and then press again. Now your switch is programmed into the Broadlink. If you wish to link switches to come on at the same time you may use the same code. If you want them to have separate codes use another from the library or a different button on the remote control.